Miscellaneous » For Parents » Back to School 2024

Back to School 2024

Important Dates
  • July 23rd-25th - In Person Registration Help at Central Office
  • July 31st & August 1st - Student Schedule Pick Up (must be registered to get your schedule) from 8am-4pm
  • August 1st - 4-6 pm 6th Grade and New Student Campus Walkthroughs
  • August 3rd - Back to School Bash
  • August 6th - First Day of School
  • TBD - Athletics Parent Meeting
  • TBD - First PTO Meeting
  • August 27th - Open House
  • October 7th - Picture Day
BISD is running a 4 day school week for the 2024-25 school year. To learn more about this and to find answers to your questions, please visit the district's page to understand the vision and logistics. 
Please make sure you keep a copy of the school calendar and note that IN AUGUST ONLY, STUDENTS AND TEACHERS WILL HAVE 5 DAY WEEKS. The rest of the year will be 4 day weeks for students.
See the Student Handbook for dress code and other guidelines. https://www.banderaisd.net/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1564151&type=d&pREC_ID=1691677